Asbestos fences can pose health risks for homeowners and their neighbors. This is because they release microscopic fibers that can be inhaled into the lungs, which can cause serious illnesses like lung cancer and asbestosis. For more information visit this website
If your asbestos fencing is in poor condition, it may be time for an inspection and potential removal. Firm Fencing provides safe and efficient asbestos fence replacement and removal, complying with key government health regulations.

Remediation is a term that refers to the grand plan of handling any asbestos within a structure, regardless of whether it’s encapsulation or removal. This includes inspections, decontamination, clean-up, and a long-term prevention plan for the building. Asbestos abatement professionals are normally tasked with this since they have the expertise and knowledge required.
Many older homes worldwide use asbestos as a common building material for its fire resistance and heat insulation properties. Over time, however, the risks associated with the fibers became known, and as a result, the use of asbestos within buildings was phased out. Sadly, this doesn’t mean that asbestos has completely vanished from the planet, as it still exists in many older buildings, including houses, schools, workplaces, and fences.
In the case of asbestos fences, the best approach is to assess their condition and, if necessary, seek advice from an asbestos expert. Several factors can influence this assessment, including the degree of weathering, physical damage, and vertical lean.
The degree of weathering is a significant factor as it’s the process by which asbestos fibers are released into the air. People can then inhale these, causing health problems such as lung cancer and asbestosis. Generally, the more weathering a fence has, the greater the need to consider removing asbestos.
Physical damage is another important factor influencing the need for asbestos removal, as it can cause fences to collapse, releasing dangerous asbestos fibers into the air. This could be due to car accidents, storm damage, or vandalism. The greater the physical damage, the more likely a fence will require removal rather than encapsulation.
Asbestos is a very dangerous substance when it becomes airborne, so when a fence deteriorates to the point that friable asbestos is released into the air, it should be removed immediately by licensed asbestos professionals. This is because the asbestos can become airborne and pose a health risk for homeowners, neighbors, and people nearby.
In some cases, replacing an asbestos fence is the best option for a homeowner. This is especially true for damaged or badly deteriorating fencing. Regular maintenance and preventive measures like painting and sealing, removing invasive plants, and preventing water ingress could help slow the deterioration of an asbestos fence but won’t stop it from deteriorating further and ultimately needing replacement.
However, it’s important to note that regardless of damage or deterioration, an asbestos fence will always pose a health risk if not removed and replaced with a safe alternative. If your asbestos fence is in bad condition and requires an expert inspection, don’t delay, as the longer you leave it, the greater the risk it poses to your family.
There are several indicators to assess the overall condition of your asbestos fence, including physical damage, weathering, and an exaggerated vertical lean. The higher the rating on these factors, the more likely your fence will need to be removed and replaced.
If a fence is rated as good/fair, it may not need to be removed or replaced at this stage. However, it will still need regular monitoring and inspections. Preventive maintenance such as cleaning, painting, sealing, removing invasive plants, and reducing moisture ingress will improve the life of your fence.
Poor – extensive weathering with raised fibers, moss growth, broken fragments, or ample signs of fire damage. A significant number of whole broken panels are evident. I am leaning 30cm or more at the top, showing substantial cracks.
Asbestos, particularly blue asbestos (crocidolite), is highly dangerous and linked to various life-threatening diseases, including lung cancer and mesothelioma. When it isn’t encased in concrete or other strong materials, asbestos becomes friable and can be inhaled by homeowners and neighbors, resulting in life-threatening illness. Therefore, a licensed professional must inspect and correctly remove asbestos, as the risk is too high. This is why it’s imperative to hire a licensed asbestos removalist to remove and dispose of your asbestos fence safely.
Asbestos is a dangerous and toxic material, which makes it a health hazard for people living in and around homes that contain it. When asbestos fencing deteriorates, it can release tiny particles harmful to people’s health when inhaled. Regular inspections and maintenance can help minimize the risk, but in some cases, requesting an asbestos fence removal service may be necessary if the condition worsens.
A common form of asbestos fencing worldwide is the buried type. This consists of corrugated fiber cement sheets laid in a trench with metal capping. These were popular due to their affordability, durability, and fire resistance. Unfortunately, these are becoming increasingly damaged by environmental factors and may release deadly asbestos fibers into the environment. If a homeowner sees any signs of damage to their buried asbestos fence, such as scratches or holes, they should request an inspection and potentially have it removed.
Asbestos fences that aren’t properly maintained are a health hazard for homeowners, neighbors, and anyone walking past the property. Poorly painted and maintained asbestos fences can be a magnet for termites, which then cause damage to the fencing materials. Then, if the damaged materials are disturbed during removal, they can be released into the air as toxic particles. Licensed asbestos professionals should always remove asbestos fences to avoid the risk of removing poisonous substances from the atmosphere.
When removing an asbestos fence, the first thing that needs to be done is to identify whether the fence contains blue or brown asbestos. It’s important to note that both types of asbestos are hazardous, but blue asbestos (crocidolite) is considered the most dangerous.
If the fencing is colored brown or grey, it’s probably safe, but any black or green fencing should be removed immediately. It’s also essential to know that unused asbestos products should only be stored or transported by someone with a valid removal permit. This is because any unauthorized use or transport of asbestos puts people at serious risk.
Asbestos was used in various building materials before being banned in the 1990s. If a pre-1990s property has asbestos fencing, then this needs to be assessed and, if necessary, removed and safely disposed of.
If your fence is in good condition and undisturbed, it presents little health risk; however, if the fencing is damaged or weathered, then there is the potential for asbestos fibers to become friable and need to be removed by a licensed asbestos removalist.
Reusing, recycling, or disposing of any asbestos product or waste is illegal. Disposing of asbestos fence material is best done at an asbestos-approved landfill site. It is important to note that dumping or disposing of asbestos waste in domestic rubbish bins is also illegal.
Stacking asbestos cement products (such as roofing, cladding, or cement sheeting) is prohibited as it can cause them to break apart and release asbestos fibers. These materials should be carefully stacked and double-wrapped in plastic or containers to prevent them from being broken and crushed during transport and disposal. It is also a legal requirement to transport asbestos waste in DEP-approved vehicles and have the correct signage displayed.
Non-friable asbestos, such as intact roof insulation, cement pipe, or siding removed whole, can be disposed of at local landfills by the landfill’s license requirements. Asbestos should be placed in heavy-duty garbage bags, sealed tightly and securely, and must be transported by a DEP-licensed “non-hazardous waste transporter.”
Suppose you suspect that someone has discarded or disposed of asbestos improperly. In that case, you can report it to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and your county or state Department of Environmental Quality.
Dividing fences is governed by the Division of Fences Act 1961, which sets out processes for neighbors to agree on boundary lines and share the cost of construction, maintenance, and repairs to fences. If you have trouble settling differences with neighbors over a boundary fence, seeking legal advice is a good idea.